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Freediver & Shipwreck | British Columbia, Canada | Exploration Diving Society of British Columbia

The Exploration Diving Society of British Columbia is a group of like-minded, multi-disciplined underwater explorers. We're here to explore, discover and document new diving sites within Canada.


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Creating new diving opportunities for:

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Someone who dives underwater without the use of breathing apparatus, but trained breath-hold skills

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Someone who swims underwater using breathing apparatus, remaining within recreational limits

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Someone who swims underwater using breathing apparatus, exceeding recreational limits

We respect and acknowledge that we operate within the traditional territories of the Indigenous Peoples of British Columbia.


Canada has the largest coastline in the world. We want to see more of it

After years of diving the same dive sites, the founding members of EDSBC decided to create new diving opportunities. The inclusive mission includes freedivers, non-technical divers, and technical divers from an international, highly skilled and diverse background.


Creating new diving opportunities

Our team of freedivers, non-technical divers, and technical divers are all focused on exploring and cataloguing new dive sites. By utilizing safe diving practices, ethical teamwork, and evolving methods, we aim to inspire an interest in exploration through public outreach.
Underwater Explorers | Team | British Columbia, Canada | Exploration Diving Society of British Columbia

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  • How do you decide where to explore?
    We have a very knowledgeable group of boat captains and local divers who know areas of interest and where could have potential for abundant marine life. A lot of areas are discovered by looking at marine charts and exploring topside, taking tides and currents into consideration, and rallying a group of divers to jump in and explore. Sometimes we find nothing, and sometimes we discover a new world-class dive site.
  • Who funds the expeditions?
    We do! All EDSBC members pay out of our own pockets for the opportunity to explore, document, and share the discovered wonders of Canada. If you'd like to support us, please contact us! It's a big country to explore, and we need all the help we can get!
  • How can I get involved?
    It's a big country to explore, and we need all the help we can get. There are multiple ways you can support our work: Become a member Consider donating to EDSBC
  • Who is this for?
    You! We are exploring and documenting these dive sites for the use of the general public. Whether you are a freediver, non-technical diver, technical diver wanting something new, or a non-diver wishing to learn more, this information is for everybody.
  • When was EDSBC founded?
    EDSBC was founded in November 2021 in Campbell River, BC. Since then, a large group of like-minded, multi-disciplined divers has been assembled from around Canada and numerous unexplored areas have been discovered.
  • Where does EDSBC conduct expeditions?
    We are based in British Columbia, and current expeditions are on-going around Campbell River, Vancouver Island. We've explored the areas of Bute Inlet, Ramsay Arm and Quadra Island (to name a few). We look forward to further EDSBC Expedition Status teams expanding these exploration efforts!
  • Great photos - who took them?
    Thank you! We are lucky enough to have some very talented photographers on the EDSBC team. All of the images on this site were taken by them: Maxwel Hohn, Chris Adair, and Eiko Jones. You can see more of their work here:

Photos: Eiko Jones, Maxwel Hohn, Chris Adair

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